Monday, September 13, 2010

시금치나물Sigeumchi namool

I always have this soft spot for Korean, I mean heck, besides their hot looking actors and actresses, they have pretty good food too! Some of the Korean dishes are pretty simple to prepare, example the spinach side dish(시금치나물Sigeumchi namool).

Since I am a newbie at this, I for one decided to try off the easy ones first. Sigeumchi namool is really easy to make and nice too with the plus side of being healthy. I had it for lunch and dinner, but I decided to modify a bit of my dinner's version by adding in a bit of shao xing wine, which is not bad.

With Hwa Ramyun

With Rice


시금치나물Sigeumchi namool

Maybe in my next post I will show you guys how to make it.

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